Hydraulic and pneumatic drives for two Al furnaces Nordurál Iceland Stinchcombe Furnaces CZ, delivery of hydraulic and pipe system + commissioning + supervising
Basic engineering of hydraulic system walking device of bucket ladder excavator Prodeco Teplice CZ, OCHI inženýring, spol. s.r.o. Ostrava CZ, project study
Electrohydraulic drives of reheat walking beam furnace - 350t/h, BKB Metal, a.s. / Stein-Heurtay - France / Yilic Ukrajina, project
Hydraulic drive for Al furnace - 2,5 t, Mops Press Belá nad Cirochou SR, Stinchcombe Furnaces CZ, project + design + delivery + commissioning + supervising
Hydraulic drives of equipment for production seam less tubes - Velký Mannesmann, Vítkovice, Válcovna Trub, a.s., BKB Metal, a.s., project + design
Repair and modernization of hydraulic drives for annealing line (copper and brass strip), Měď Povrly CZ, BKB Metal, a.s. Ostrava, project + design + commissioning + supervising
Repair and modernization of hydraulic drives for pickle line (copper strip), Měď Povrly CZ, BKB Metal, a.s.Ostrava, project
Hydraulic drives of stage technology, theatre U Hybernů – Prague, OCHI inženýring, spol. s.r.o. Ostrava, CZ, project + design+ supervision + commissioning
Electrohydraulic linear drives – Euro research program Eureka for OCHI inženýring, spol. s.r.o. Ostrava, CZ, project + design
Production of hydraulic manifold blocks and other devices for System Hydraulik, Norway, delivery
Hydraulic device for decaling equipment TŠP – Strip rolling mill, US Steel Košice SR, BKB Metal, a.s., project + design + delivery
Trolleys equipped with scissors platform with hydraulic drives - 20t and 26t, Chinook Sciences, LLC / USA customer (Texarcana, New Jersey) - project + design + delivery
Hydraulic system of pile up machine for seamless tubes – TTS Svinov, spol. s.r.o. Ostrava, project + design + delivery